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"Captain Smudge" - (M) Pastel Lesser Clown Paradox

"Captain Smudge" - (M) Pastel Lesser Clown Paradox

Sex:  Male
Traits: Lesser Pastel Clown Paradox
Origin: Self Produced
Birth: 12th October 2019
Weight: 1000g
Proven: No
Diet: Frozen/Thawed Medium Rats


Smudge has become an ambassador in our education program. Congrats to our smooshy boy!


Very sweet and cuddly! Nothing phases this boy. Smudge was one of the first ball pythons we hatched out. He has always been a laid back guy and great eater. He's always been really happy to greet everyone, give snuggles, enjoy being pet, and is very tolerant of the noise and chaos that events can sometimes have. We could not have asked for a better example of a BP.



Out of Butterball and Clara

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